Book Scavenger Hunt

Whenever I am in a bit of a reading slump I always want to find a way to shake up what I’m reading and how I choose what I am going to read next. A great example of this that I have found online would be people combing games and books in order to find their next read. One that I have had the most success with is a book scavenger hunt!

First created/the first place I discovered it was by BooksandLala on Youtube! She provides you with a list of about 10 steps (starting with finding your favorite book, flip to the Acknowledgements page, find a random name on that page and then you have to find an author by that same name on your shelf) until you end up with the book you are finally going to read! These steps can of course be done in front of your own shelves, at the local library, or through your Kindle bookshelf. No matter where I’ve completed the hunt I have always had a blast!

Here are the steps to begin, the last step of course being to read the book you just found!

1. Grab your favourite book. Go to the acknowledgements, and the first name you see, find a book by an author with the same name.

2. Pick something on that cover and find another book with the thing in the title.

3. Go to page 50, line 5. Pick a word from that line and find a title with that word. 4. Find a 5-star read with the same colours on the cover.

5. Find a book with the same number of pages. (hint hint, Goodreads is your friend)

6. Flip open to any page. The first name you see, find a book by an author with who shares that name.

7. Find another title with the same number of letters.

8. Find a book with a similar cover.

9. Flip to a random page. Point at a word, and find that word in a book title on your TBR shelf.

10. Read!

Her newest video on the subject can be found here. Happy Hunting!

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